anchor store apple tourist automania automaniac autonumerologist autonumerology autopia baby act baby book baby bunting baby sling baby-lag bait car bear jam belly cast big-box store bike box bio-mom brand X brandable bumbler car bed car cloner car cloning carcooning caretaker speech carnapper car-panning cartopper child-batterer child-battering childbed fever child-centred childrenese child-resistant comparison-shop complete street concrete collar congestion charge contraceptive corn contraflow lane cord blood bank cot potato couch-hopper couch-hopping counterperson crocodiling cut and shut daddy track daycationer demall demand shock drive-through cuisine drive-time dining driveway effect fake-ation Falloween family leave family-friendly family-style father-substitute fertility tourism fertility tourist financial parenting floortime gayby boom Gotcha Day grief tourist haycationer hit-skip holiday season holiday village hydroplaning hyper-parenting intellectual tourism intellectual tourist kangaroo care kiddie cam kiddie condo kiddy car kid-glove kidware labor tourist lactation room lactivist leaf peeper leisure guilt maternity dress maternity hospital maternity nurse microvacation midi-bus milk brain mom cave mommy makeover mommy track momoir monitor shopping motel children mother image motherese motor-homeless multicar multi-channel shopping mutual child nanny car naycation naycationer nico-teen parental home parentcraft pedestrian scramble personal shoplifter personal shopper pimpmobile pop-up store power center range anxiety road noise rumble strip secret shopper security mom sidewalk tax single-brand store sleep-driver sleepdriving speed hump staycationer stores with doors taxmobile tent trailer traffic offence traffic ticket traffic-calming device transumer travel brochure travel card travel document travel plug travel season travel-stained truckway vacation deprivation vacation home vacation job vacationette VBIED weddingmoon WMWM workamper frighten white-bread U.S.S.R